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Cookbook – Quick & Easy Low-Carb Cookbook

cd876-img_2113255b1255dQuick & Easy Low-Carb Cookbook by George Stella

This is a great first low-carb cookbook.  I love it because it gets you into the groove of using spaghetti squash, zucchini and cauliflower!

It has a great couple of pages about:

I definitely got to feeling better about losing pasta after starting to use these alternatives instead of pasta and rice.  One day after eating cauliflower rice for dinner my husband said “I’m not missing rice at all.”  I had to agree. The pain of losing a beloved food was lessening with each new delicious recipe I tried.  But back to the cookbook…

George Stella’s pictures look better in the cookbook, but you can see here that I got my start on them from his cookbook!



I’ve tried some recipes and can’t wait to try some of the others including:

And much much more!

I have tried the Skillet Pizza and it works!.  There are also either Almond Flour or Cauliflower based pizza crusts in his other cookbooks and all three versions are good.

A definite cookbook for the collection!

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